Coordenação de Pesquisa
[Deveria ter uma imagem de mim na ponte Hercílio Luz aqui....]
Luiz Gustavo Cordeiro
Departamento de Engenharias da Mobilidade, sala U277
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, campus Joinville

e-mjustomakeitharderail: luiz.cjustomakeitharderagainordeiro@ufsc.br

Currículo Lattes

Curriculum (english)

Short CV

September 16th, 1992 Born in Florianópolis (Brazil)
Mar 2010 – Dec 2013 B.Sc. in Mathematics and Scientific Computing at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Sep 2014 – Jul 2018 Ph.D. in Mathematics at University of Ottawa
Thesis: Soficity and other dynamical aspects of groupoids and inverse semigroups , HTML version
Oct 2018 – May 2019 Post-Doc at UMPA - ENS-Lyon
Dec 2019 – Current Professor at the Department of Mobility Engineerings, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Joinville campus)

Languages: Portuguese (native), English (fluent), French (basic)

Resources I enjoy


My main topics of interest are: Please feel free ask me for the published versions of the articles below. The HTML versions are either the manuscripts accepted for publication, or the most up-to-date preprints.
  1. The talented monoid of a directed graph with applications to graph algebras
    Luiz Gustavo Cordeiro, Daniel Gonçalves and Roozbeh Hazrat
    Published at Revista Matemática Iberoamericana1 (online first)
    arXiv:2003.09911 [math.RA]

  2. Sectional algebras of semigroupoid bundles
    Luiz Gustavo Cordeiro
    Published at International Journal of Algebra and Computation 30 (6)
    arXiv:1906.05430 [math.RA]

  3. Étale inverse semigroupoids – the fundamentals
    Luiz Gustavo Cordeiro
    arXiv:1902.09375 [math.DS]
    HTML version

  4. A general Banach–Stone type theorem and applications
    Luiz Gustavo Cordeiro
    Published at Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 224 (6), 2020
    arXiv:1711.00545 [math.GN]
    HTML version

  5. The dynamics of partial inverse semigroup actions
    Luiz Gustavo Cordeiro and Viviane Maria Beuter
    Published at Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 224 (3), 2020
    arXiv:1804.00396 [math.RA]

  6. On sofic groupoids and their full groups
    Luiz Gustavo Cordeiro
    Published at Comptes Rendus Mathematiques 356 (9), 2018
    HTML version

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